Weird Lex & The Aladdin Chickenshackers


Rank: 87
Puzzles solved: 37

Team Members:

Lexie, Karen, Other Karen, Alex, Shaun, Amy, Nym, Christine, Kendra, Merlin
Puzzle Incorrect guesses Unlock time (EDT) Time to solve Solve time (EDT)
Breakfast Time! 1 1h5m
#UnscienceAnAnimal 1 1h17m
Inaccessible 4 1h45m
Seal of Quality 0 2h10m
2 3h13m
Watch Out! 1 1h50m
The Meta Meta Meta ... Puzzle 2 5h57m
Where To Next? 4 6h52m
Eye Chart 1 8h0m
Not to Scale 0 12h33m
Dropcrypt 0 13h45m
Mr. Worldwide 2 8h54m
Letter Boxing 0 17h39m
Crosswerd 0 1h39m
False Flags 1 3h51m
Make Your Own Math Quiz 1 22h53m
Virtual Family 1 2h38m
So You Think You Can Spell 0 6h51m
Entropy 3 67h26m
Word Salad 0 67h47m
Action Adventure 0 56h56m
Night Vision Goggles 0 17h38m
Count the Solutions to This Nurikabe 0 57h58m
Intersections 2 70h16m
Fridge Magnets 1 1h26m
Thrifty​/​Thrifty 1 10h12m
The Seasons Change 0 11h57m
This Puzzle Intentionally Left Blank 5 46h15m
Symbols 0 125h45m
Binoculars 1 6h25m
Board Games with Shrek 9 149h8m
Charts 2 152h55m
Links Interconnect 3 174h53m
Patterns 8 181h10m
Reencode 4 182h44m
Microscope 0 182h48m
Mixed Message 1 858h32m