Emergency Contacts


Rank: 221
Puzzles solved: 15

Team Members:

mike, josh, andrew, aidan, nick, raycole, nath
Puzzle Incorrect guesses Unlock time (EDT) Time to solve Solve time (EDT)
Breakfast Time! 4 1h23m
Inaccessible 0 2h4m
#UnscienceAnAnimal 1 4h41m
The Meta Meta Meta ... Puzzle 1 10h37m
Seal of Quality 1 21h17m
Watch Out! 0 19h42m
Where To Next? 2 28h3m
8 57h10m
False Flags 0 23h34m
Count the Solutions to This Nurikabe 0 110h44m
Eye Chart 6 179h23m
Mr. Worldwide 6 175h38m
Fridge Magnets 3 66h39m
Crosswerd 1 93h6m
Thrifty​/​Thrifty 2 96h49m