
Rank: 200
Puzzles solved: 16

Team Members:

Armchair, Shrek, Peter, Oxalis, Conundrum, Dave, Steve
Puzzle Incorrect guesses Unlock time (EDT) Time to solve Solve time (EDT)
Breakfast Time! 3 7h35m
#UnscienceAnAnimal 2 18h19m
Inaccessible 0 38h43m
Watch Out! 0 33h27m
Seal of Quality 1 41h6m
8 72h36m
Dropcrypt 0 61h9m
Where To Next? 4 79h38m
Entropy 0 107h0m
Symbols 0 91h26m
The Meta Meta Meta ... Puzzle 4 192h32m
Crosswerd 5 69h52m
Patterns 4 166h52m
So You Think You Can Spell 0 167h57m
False Flags 0 185h6m
Eye Chart 6 226h32m