Minor Research Labs


Rank: 182
Puzzles solved: 18

Team Members:

Sally, Newton, Rebecca, Paul, Christy, Alan, Dani, Daniel, Mary Grace, Stephanie
Puzzle Incorrect guesses Unlock time (EDT) Time to solve Solve time (EDT)
Breakfast Time! 0 34m15s
Inaccessible 5 5h1m
#UnscienceAnAnimal 5 18h8m
Watch Out! 1 13h0m
The Meta Meta Meta ... Puzzle 0 16h45m
Seal of Quality 0 26h22m
Where To Next? 0 39h53m
Eye Chart 2 45h32m
False Flags 1 7h51m
9 43h53m
Symbols 2 21h34m
So You Think You Can Spell 1 21h41m
Dropcrypt 1 84h16m
This Puzzle Intentionally Left Blank 2 47h44m
Fridge Magnets 7 76h39m
The Seasons Change 0 45h23m
Crosswerd 0 64h39m
Virtual Family 2 112h31m