1. An orange house is exactly two lots southeast of the green house. 2. And in case you forgot, the neighborhood is a square with eight lots on each side. 3. Broadly speaking, the green house is in the fourth column. 4. By process of elimination, there are six houses in the southernmost row. 5. Currently, four of the people who gave you gifts live in the same row or column as Ivan. 6. Far as I know, there are six groups of contiguous houses, counting both orthogonal and diagonal adjacency as "contiguous". 7. Fill the southwestern quadrant with four houses. 8. For the record, exactly two houses are not on the edge of the neighborhood. 9. Four houses, including mine, are to the east of Harold's house. 10. Harold and Joanne live orthogonally adjacent to each other. 11. Harold lives in the orange house. 12. Hi, I'm Larry, and I live orthogonally adjacent to Nancy. 13. I didn't give you the artist's palette. 14. I live diagonally adjacent to the green house. 15. I live in a house that is neither yellow nor gray. 16. If you look at the corner lots, exactly two do not have a house. 17. Ivan lives somewhere to the south of me. 18. Joanne lives in the gray house. 19. Keith lives somewhere to the east of Harold. 20. My friend Ivan gave you the binoculars. 21. My name is Keith, and I live in the opposite corner from the gray house. 22. Remember, four gifts come from the people living to the west of Harold. 23. Right, Joanne's blue house is adjacent (counting diagonally) to exactly two houses. 24. The blue house is somewhere to the north of the red house. 25. The gray house and Joanne's house are on the western edge of the neighborhood. 26. The orange house is due north of the gray house. 27. The person who gave you the compass lives in a blue house. 28. The purple house is to the west of Harold's house. 29. The red house is immediately to the northeast of Melanie's house. 30. The same number of houses are to the north of Nancy's house as are to the south. 31. There are exactly two houses due west of the yellow house. ---- 32. I first visited the lot two to the west of the green house, then I went to see my friend in the red house. After that, I went two lots southeast and had a lovely picnic lunch. After eating, I went to see my good friend Ivan. Then, I went to the house six lots south of his house. To get home, I retraced my steps, but first I visited the lot two to the east of Harold's house. 33. In the morning, I walked south two lots, then turned 45 degrees to the east and went one more lot. Then I walked northeast one lot and then went to Melanie's house for a while. Finally, I walked one lot south, walked one lot past Harold's house, then went back home. 34. After leaving my house, I visited the person in the orange house, and then we walked to the lot one north of their house. Finally, we walked to Joanne's house, and I went home. 35. I woke up, had breakfast, then decided to pay a visit to Ivan. After that, I went to Joanne's place. On the way home, I stopped by the yellow house.