__モード__Mode__ |
__問題入力モード__Edit mode__
__解答モード__Answer mode__
__操作方法__Input Type__ |
__左右ボタン__L/R buttons__
__1ボタン__One button__
__入力モード__Input Mode__ |
__黒マス__Shaded cells__
__白マス__Unshaded cells__
__数字(逆順)__Number (rev)__
__アルファベット(逆順)__Alphabet (rev)__
__盤面記号__Question marks__
__盤面記号(逆順)__Question marks (rev)__
__色(逆順)__Color (rev)__
__補助線__Aux. conn. lines__
__白まる__Unshaded circles__
__黒まる__Shaded circles__
__月__Marks of moon__
__太陽__Marks of sun__
__無効セル__Invalid cells__
__ウォーターハザード__Water hazard__
__黒点__Shaded dots__
__不等号__Inequality marks__
__図形の移動__Move clue__
__解答モードから記号作成__Copy answer__
__?記号__Question marks__
__バツ印__Cross marks__
__線の向き補助記号__Aux. dir. marks__
__鉄球__Iron balls__
__コピー__Copy circles__
__コピー__Copy nums__
__数字を増やしてコピー__Drag inc. nums__
__数字を減らしてコピー__Drag dec. nums__
__ドット__Aux. dots__
__数字あり補助記号__Aux. circles__
__数字なし補助記号__Aux. crosses__
__補助丸記号__Aux. circles__
__補助バツ記号__Aux. crosses__
__背景色1/2__Bgcolor 1/2__
__背景色1__Bgcolor 1__
__背景色2__Bgcolor 2__
__下絵__Draft sketch__
__消去__Erase data__
__線の繋がりチェック__Check line connection__
__黒マス繋がりチェック__Check shaded cell connection__
__経路チェック__Check route__
__表示形式__Display__ |
__ニコリ紙面形式__Original style__
__背景色をグレーにする__Gray background__
__表示形式__Display__ |
__ニコリ紙面形式__Original style__
__倉庫番形式__Sokoban style__
__ワリタイ形式__Waritai style__
__表示形式__Display__ |
__(please translate) Colors__Colors__
__(please translate) Shapes__Shapes__
__(please translate) Both__Both__
Click and drag on an edge to draw it in. Click or right-click and drag between two cells to indicate no edge between them (this is for your own convenience; the checker only takes into account the drawn edges).
The checker also does not take the black circles into account. You can completely ignore them while solving, and they'll only be needed after you have the solution.